The HUM 665 Research Group “Research and Evaluation in Intercultural Education”, of Universidad de Almería, has organized, year after year, courses, seminars and conferences to develop the theme of intercultural education and the different challenges that have to do front.
From the academic year 1997/98 to 2000/01 the HUM-665 Research Group has made four courses on intercultural education with many participants (students, teachers, NGO members, immigrant associations’ members, etc.).
From the academic year 2001/02, seeing the high number of participants and the impact of this research, the HUM-665 decided to organize a periodical conference on intercultural education. The first Conference took place this year, with an attendance of 325 delegates and had the honor of having Professor Dr. Henry T. Trueba, University of Texas at Austin (USA) as the inaugural speaker.
The second edition was organized in November 2002 and was dedicated to “Citizenship, Mediation and Intercultural Communication” with a participation of more than 350 persons. The third Conference dedicated to “Training of teachers” was held in November 2003, and attended over 350 participants.
In November 2004, the Fourth Conference took place dedicated to "Educative Quality of a Intercultural School."
The Fifth Conference addressed the issue of women under "Interculturality and Genre". Main speakers were Aicha Lemsine, Walter Actis, Lidia Puigvert, María Luisa Trinidad, Pilar Rodríguez, Isabel Aliaga and María Angustias Ortiz.
In 2006, due to the elevated number of participants and their origin, and the list of speakers who have been participating since the first conference, it was decided to rename this event as international conference. In this edition, the conference was dedicated to "Living together and intercultural mediation".
In 2006, the First International Conference on Intercultural education is held around "Living together and Intercultural mediation" with speakers such as professors Antonio Miguel Bañón, Rafael Bisquerra, Leonor Buendía, José Antonio Jordán, Nadia Nair, Pedro Ortega and Ruth Vila.
In 2007, the Conference addressed the subject "Citizenship, Democracy and Participation". Participated, among others, the Professor Christine Sleeter, University of Monterey, California (USA), Professor Emilio Tenti, Instituto Nacional de Planeamiento de la Educación - UNESCO (IIPE – Buenos Aires, Argentina), and other Spanish professionals. Participation was over 300 attendees from various European countries, Latin America and Africa.
Among the main Spanish speakers were Flor Cabrera, María Antonia Casanova, María Ángeles Rebollo and Rafael Valls.
Subsequently, the penultimate edition took place in November 2008 and debated the importance of training for the development of an intercultural society. To this end, it participated Professor Carl Grant, University of Wisconsin (USA), Professor Gina Marie Higginbottom, University of Alberta (Canada), Dr. Tatiana Dronzina, University of San Klemente Olivida (Bulgaria), besides prestigious Spanish researchers such as Miguel Ángel Santos Rego, Jesús Miguel Muñoz, Álvaro Leiva and Assumpta Aneas.
Under the topic "International challenges to Interculturalism" was held the last edition in November 2009. As speakers participated professor Christine Sleeter, professor emeritus at University of Monterey (USA), professor Lois Weis, University of Buffalo (USA), professor José Luis Ramos, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (Mexico), professor Sonia Nieto, University of Massachusetts in Amherst (USA).
Participation was over 300 people from different geographical locations in Europe, Latin America and the USA.
The subject of the conference is intended for teachers and High Schools and university professors, social servants, doctors, nurses, immigrant associations and workers related to social affairs, and for all those interested in intercultural education and living together between different cultures.