Organised by

Asociación Coordinadora para la Integración y la Interculturalidad en Almería (ACIIA)

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Thursday (morning), November 10

9:00Registration and congress documentation
10:00Opening of the Congress

Hon. D. Pedro Molina, Rector of the University of Almería.

General Director of Migration Policy Coordination
10:30 Conference of Merry Merryfield., "Paradox or Panacea? The web and Global Perspectives". Professor of Social Studies and Global Education; The Ohio State University. USA
12:30 Non-invited papers and communications

Thursday (afternoon), November 10

16:30 Conference of Josefina Lozano Martinez, "The School – Family communication facing the integration of foreign students". Professor of Didactic and Schooling Organization; Universidad de Murcia, Spain
17:45Non-invited papers and communications

Friday (morning), November 11

9:30 Conference of Feli Etxeberria, "Bilingualism and multilingualism. The methodology of the second language".Professor with tenure of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education; Universidad del País Vasco (EHU), Spain
10:30Non-invited papers and communications
12:00 Conference of Mª Victoria Reyzabal., "Propaganda and advertising in a democratic society", Former Vice General Deputy of Care to Diversity and Lifelong Learning in the Comunidad de Madrid, Spain
13:00Non-invited papers and communications

Friday (afternoon), November 11

16:00 Conference of Maria Vieites, "Media and education: a necessary link in the construction of citizenship". Psychologist, Advisor to the Secretary of State for Education, Spain
17:00 Conference of Isabelle Aliaga. "Norms and linguistic variation in view of a global communication". Professor of Language; Université de Montpellier, France

Sábado 12 de noviembre

9:30 Conference of Alina Sousa, "Transcultural nursing: a model of practice". Technical advisor of the General Council of Nursing of Spain and Editor of “International Nursing Review” journal in Spanish. Spain
10:30 Non-invited papers and communications
12:30 Conference of Miquel Rodrigo Alsina. "The challenges of intercultural communication in a global society". Professor with tenure of Theories of Communication; Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Spain
14:00Closing of the Congress

Contributions delivery

1ª Phase

Send before July 15 (inc)

Response from July 20

2ª Phase

Send before September 30 (inc)

Response from September 30


For those presenting contributions:
Up to October 4
For those not presenting contributions:
Up to October 30

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HUM 665 Research Group
"Research and Evaluation in Intercultural Education"
Universidad de Almería.

Disign Angel Valverde Guil