Thursday (morning), November 10 | |
9:00 | Registration and congress documentation |
10:00 | Opening of the Congress Hon. D. Pedro Molina, Rector of the University of Almería. General Director of Migration Policy Coordination |
10:30 | Conference of Merry Merryfield., "Paradox or Panacea? The web and Global Perspectives". Professor of Social Studies and Global Education; The Ohio State University. USA |
12:00 | Break |
12:30 | Non-invited papers and communications |
Thursday (afternoon), November 10 | |
15:00 | Posters |
16:30 | Conference of Josefina Lozano Martinez, "The School – Family communication facing the integration of foreign students". Professor of Didactic and Schooling Organization; Universidad de Murcia, Spain |
17:45 | Non-invited papers and communications |
Friday (morning), November 11 | |
9:30 | Conference of Feli Etxeberria, "Bilingualism and multilingualism. The methodology of the second language".Professor with tenure of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education; Universidad del País Vasco (EHU), Spain |
10:30 | Non-invited papers and communications |
11:30 | Break. |
12:00 | Conference of Mª Victoria Reyzabal., "Propaganda and advertising in a democratic society", Former Vice General Deputy of Care to Diversity and Lifelong Learning in the Comunidad de Madrid, Spain |
13:00 | Non-invited papers and communications |
Friday (afternoon), November 11 | |
15:00 | Posters |
16:00 | Conference of Maria Vieites, "Media and education: a necessary link in the construction of citizenship". Psychologist, Advisor to the Secretary of State for Education, Spain |
17:00 | Conference of Isabelle Aliaga. "Norms and linguistic variation in view of a global communication". Professor of Language; Université de Montpellier, France |
Sábado 12 de noviembre | |
9:30 | Conference of Alina Sousa, "Transcultural nursing: a model of practice". Technical advisor of the General Council of Nursing of Spain and Editor of “International Nursing Review” journal in Spanish. Spain |
10:30 | Non-invited papers and communications |
12:00 | Break |
12:30 | Conference of Miquel Rodrigo Alsina. "The challenges of intercultural communication in a global society". Professor with tenure of Theories of Communication; Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Spain |
14:00 | Closing of the Congress |