Organised by

Asociación Coordinadora para la Integración y la Interculturalidad en Almería (ACIIA)

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On-line edition

The on-line part of the Conference will be held with the Slisdeshare digital platform. The access to this platform will be through the V International Conference on Intercultural Education “The power of communication in a globalized society” web page.

Each subject will have a password to access to the platform in order to manage his/her work and read the comments and questions that the participants to the congress could make. This password will be provided by the Technical Secretariat of the Congress once (i) the participant contribution has received a positive evaluation by the Scientific Committee and (ii) the participant has been registered and has paid corresponding fee.

As the participant contributions are accepted by the Scientific Committee they will be uploaded to the Slisdeshare digital platform. This platform does not allow load/unload any contribution by the congress delegates.

Contributions delivery

1ª Phase

Send before July 15 (inc)

Response from July 20

2ª Phase

Send before September 30 (inc)

Response from September 30


For those presenting contributions:
Up to October 4
For those not presenting contributions:
Up to October 30

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HUM 665 Research Group
"Research and Evaluation in Intercultural Education"
Universidad de Almería.

Disign Angel Valverde Guil